Palm Sunday
Today is Palm Sunday. It was our first time to sing in worship for 2019 and what we’ve been working hard on for 3 months.
The kids did fantastic!
- We entered right at the end of our “handshake time” (that is not what we officially call it!). You know that time!
- So, the kids were supposed to be walking down the aisle LOUDLY saying “Hosanna” as they waved their palm branches. Well, I’d say that I (leading the train) was shouting loudly, and the kids were more timidly speaking while looking around at everyone. Not sure how to correct this. They said it loudly during rehearsal! Classic stage fright. Good thing I’m old enough to not be that easily embarrassed any more. Because I was making some noise!
- When they got up to the front, the children laid their palms down and also took off their coats (that I had texted their parents to remember to bring). The Bible says that the Jews did that during the Triumphal Entry. It wasn’t just the palm branches.
- We sang “The King of Glory Comes” first.
- We recited Matthew 21:19. “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
- We ended with the first 2 verses of “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” with the congregation standing to join in on the last 2 verses.
- After the service, when we met for our normal rehearsal time, we sort of just took it easy. I honestly can’t even remember what we worked on. I just showered my thanks on them for doing so well and for glorifying God by singing His praises.